Saturday, August 13, 2011

SWTOG and Other Ramblings

SWOTG is definitely the most under-talked about game right now IMHO. Most people i encounter have no clue that it is even coming out... I mean come on, Why have you not seen this footage? And why have you not shed tears of pride or indignation over this? If anyone can watch this without at least feeling choked up in the back of their throats, then something is seriously wrong.
We, as a gaming community, designers, artist and players, are seriously delinquent in broadcasting this information. Even if you hate Star Wars you should realize the gravity of a game like this one. (IMHO if you hate Star Wars GTFO of the USA btw. There are people in this world who know about Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader that do not know that Lincoln was an American president. If that is not an American icon IDK what is.)
But, I digress...
I understand that all games cannot be epic, and there are huge amounts of necessity for games that are brief and only a minor distraction. I also understand that there are a lot of people who never even play a video game their entire lives. The only thing I muse about, why do we have to create epic games with the most advanced graphics? Why can't we still make games in 8bit and have them be popular? I know, I know, consumers are mostly cattle, which is a human trait, but does that mean we cannot add some meaning to their existence?
Yes, graphics and sound do add to immersion, but I personally consider the old 8bit games our new equivalent of books. How can you fully enjoy a movie if you have not read the back story? The same, IMHO, applies to video games. You cannot fully enjoy SWTOR if you have not played some of the old 8bit games to see all the struggle that has gone into trying to make a great game from this epic story.

I am only going to say this lightly and briefly. AR is going to either be the future of computing, gaming, media or all of the above. We should embrace is like lovers in the night and make copious offspring for the world to enjoy.

Finally, I understand gamers like to be around gamers with similar likes and pursuits as them, and that has bled over into the gaming industry. With so many outlets for games, and so many different ways to earn income from games, why are there not more studios out there to tap into the vast amounts of unused talent in our unemployment lines?

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